HWG’s Tricia Paoletta and Damon Ladson have been appointed as Chair of the Federal Communications Commission World Radiocommunication Conference Advisory Committee (WAC-23) and Chair of its Informal Working Group on Maritime, Aeronautical and Radar Services, respectively. Both Ms. Paoletta and Mr. Ladson have served as U.S. Delegates to and lead spokespersons on agenda items at prior World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRCs), and are alumni of the FCC’s International Bureau.
The objective of the WAC-23 is to provide to the FCC advice, technical support, and recommended proposals for the 2023 World Radiocommunication Conference, hosted by the United Nation’s International Telecommunication Union.
Ms. Paoletta, who has been recognized by Best Lawyers for excellence, focuses her practice on telecommunications, trade and technology policy, particularly with respect to spectrum access and international regulation.
Mr. Ladson, who serves as a technical policy advisor at HWG, focuses his work on telecommunications, with an emphasis on client positioning on radiocommunication technology matters, and international spectrum access and policy. Mr. Ladson, a noted advisor on spectrum management and electromagnetic compatibility, has extensive experience in international spectrum negotiations. He is a veteran of WRCs over the last two decades. Mr. Ladson served the United States as Vice-Chair of the U.S. Delegation to WRC-2000, and is a former Designated Federal Officer for a prior WAC.
The agenda for WRC-23 contains a broad list of satellite issues, including streamlining coordination, Earth stations in motion, global maritime safety services and launch vehicles, mid-band spectrum for mobile broadband, and digital aviation safety services.
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