
Executive Committee 2024-2025
LAWorld Executive Committee Chair:

Executive Committee Members
Asia-Pacific – Director:

Europe/Middle East/Africa – Director:

The Americas (North & Latin) – Director:

Head of Marketing Committee:

NextGen Chair:


Executive Director:

LAWorld started as a tool for Members in order to provide their existing clients with quality legal advice in unfamiliar jurisdictions; it quickly developed into a network of medium sized firms with a common approach and ethos, referring to each other clients and projects and sharing information about local legal developments and latest trends and practices.
LAWorld is now an international recognized network in its own right, LAWorld Ltd is a registered company in the UK and in order to facilitate overall administration and to develop marketing initiatives for the network, the network has an Executive Office based in Central Europe.
Members meet during an Annual General Meeting held each year for three days in a different area and may confront themselves with other firms in Regional Meetings held within their geographical area at least twice a year.
LAWorld encourages the growth of young lawyers both within each firm and within the network with focused meetings and training sessions. A trainee exchange program facilitates cultural exchange, integration and seamless communication among firms.
The Executive Committee is the executive body of LAWorld.
The Committee is comprised of one representative from four geographical areas (Europe/Middle East/Africa; North America; Latin America; and Asia Pacific), a Chair, the Treasurer and the Immediate Past Chair.
Committee Members are elected by LAWorld Member firms from their respective region, present at their Regional Meeting held at the Annual General Meeting. The Chair and Treasurer are elected by the Annual General Meeting.
The term of office of each Executive Committee Member is two years, although each Member may stand for re-election for further two years. The term of office of the Chair is two years and after the two years, the Chair will remain on the Committee for one further year as immediate Past Chair.